This is Part I of my Job Market paper, a characterization of correlation averse preferences in a risk setting (temporal lotteries). Part II is "Restricted Dynamic Consistency". Part III will cover the case of corrrelation aversion and ambiguity, to appear sometime in the future.
We show that standard assumptions of recursivity of preferences imply constant absolute ambiguity aversion and derive a functional equation characterizing recursivity which we refer to as generalized rectangularity.
We provide representations theorems for preferences under basic assumptions on ambiguity attitudes without Schmeidler's notion of ambiguity, i.e. convexity of preferences.
I show that dynamic consistency can be restricted to a much smaller domain of consumption programs, in such a way that it is compatible with indifference to the timing of resolution of uncertainty. The more practical relevance of this result is that this novel notion of dynamic consistency can accommodate recent empirical evidence on dynamic preferences.
Provide a theory of additive but non-monotone probability, i.e. probabilities with possibily negative values, in order to explain several puzzles in economics.